Asute arhiveeritud lehel. Mine värske Arvamusfestivali lehele.

Submitting a discussion idea for the 2017 Opinion Festival and [pre-]opinion festivals

sinine_2The Opinion Festival is a meeting place for all layers of society, and gives a platform for different worldviews. Its mission is to improve debate culture and civic education.

The fifth Opinion Festival takes place on 11th-12th August 2017 in Paide. In addition, this year will play host to two [pre-]opinion festivals: one on 10th June in Hiiumaa and one on 14th July in Southeastern Estonia.

Anyone is welcome to submit their idea for the programme of the Opinion Festival or one of the [pre-]opinion festivals. You may, for instance, think that a political decision requires more consideration, or an issue needs to be raised, or a question calls for more thorough discussion, or a particular perspective or new field of knowledge should be given a wider platform.

We are accepting ideas for discussions from 9th to 31st January!

We will be contacting anyone who submitted an idea by the end of February and will then work together to create the programme for the 2017 Opinion Festival. Our team is on hand to guide and advise on the preparation of discussions both with regard to content and technical considerations. If you have any questions, please get in touch:

On behalf of the Opinion Festival team:
Ott Karulin, Kristi Liiva, Maiu Lauring, Maiko Kesküla, Kaspar Tammist, Katja Danilova, Helen Kondoja, Liisa Rohila, Alari Rammo

Proceed to submit an idea by clicking here